Habitat and Range



More Predation

The disease which rots from without

Image of Tuberosum undergoing this agonising fate.
Tuberosum alpinus needs moderate, dry conditions. An overabundance of moisture is
fatal, so during rainfall, shelter is sought in small caves which line the rocky slopes. Some of
these caves contain hot springs, which protect the organism from sub-zero temperatures and
blizzards in Winter. In damp conditions, the Alpine Potato is invaded by Pythium ultimum,
and becomes moribund, unable to run from predators. Pythium ultimum causes successive
greening, purpling, blackening, bloating, and, eventually, death. Extreme dampness occasions
invasion by Phytophthora infestans, leading to Sticky Rot, which starts at the extremities and
moves inexorably inwards, leading slowly but irreversibly to, eventually, death.

Title page of 'Tuberosum Alpinus'


Mating Habits

Nurture of Young

Annual Cycle

The disease which rots from within